A team of outreach workers who work with homeless individuals makes up the Community Connections Team.
About the Housing and Homeless Service
Our trained and experienced outreach workers in the Community Connections Team work with people who are homeless by:
- Working with you in your own environment
- Connecting you with other services and support
- Applying for or maintaining housing
- Assist you with health and family issues
Supported Residential Services
Support and services are provided to people living in pension-level Supported Residential Service facilities (SRS), including:
- Information, links, and referrals to other services
- Exercise groups, social outings and other activities
- Services in podiatry and physiotherapy
- Managing government funds to improve physical facilities in each SRS
- Ensuring SRS services are available for residents
Older Person’s High Rise Support Program
In the following high rise public housing estates, we provide support to older residents to improve their health and retain their independence:
- 150 Victoria Ave, Albert Park (Layfield Court)
- 150 Inkerman St, St Kilda (Inkerman Heights Estate)
- 49 Union St, Prahran (Loxton Lodge)
- 25 King St, Prahran
- 27 King St, Prahran
Program Aims:
- Enhance home and community support and services
- Maintain independence at home while providing a sense of safety
- Organize events and activities to bring the high-rise community together
Program Supports:
- Physical and mental health information, advice, and support
- Providing you with referrals to other services based on your needs
- Activities related to health promotion and health education
- Assisting and supporting tenants in reaching out to outside services
- Limited financial assistance for those experiencing financial stress
- Transport assistance for health appointments and social activities
There are case managers and support workers (multidisciplinary) at each site on varying days between Monday and Friday.
Our multidisciplinary approach helps us meet your needs as BHN provides a full range of health and wellbeing services.
Accessing the Housing and Homeless Service
Anyone experiencing homelessness in the community can access homeless outreach services.
Service operating hours
Our services are available Monday through Friday from 9am – 5pm.
Service location
- Homeless Outreach Services are provided within the community
- Supported Residential Services are delivered on site at the SRS facilities
- In the High Rise estates, the Older Person’s High Rise team is available on site
There is no charge for these services.
Make an Appointment
Call 132 246 (132 BHN) to request an appointment.