Our case management services help people access treatment services such as counselling, dual diagnosis, residential withdrawal and rehabilitation support, non-residential withdrawal services, day programs and support groups.
In addition to connecting people with health services and assisting them with housing, training, education, employment, social connections, relapse prevention and harm reduction, CRC helps them reduce barriers in their lives that might impact their substance use or general health and wellbeing.
The CRC outreach program connects with people in their preferred location. Additionally, clients can attend site-based meetings at any BHN location.
Residents of Port Phillip, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Kingston and Bayside (16 years and older).
You can reach Bayside Alcohol and other Drug Service by calling 1800 229 263 or by emailing BAODS@starhealth.org.au.
Call 1800 906 669 for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex & Queer Alcohol and Drug Services.