About our Dental Services
Our dental clinic offers a range of general dental services, including:
- X-rays, cleanings and check-ups
- Root canals, fillings and extractions
- Fitting and repairing dentures
- Oral health advice
Consult your oral health professional about your specific needs.
How to access Dental Services
People with Health Care Cards or Pensioner Concession Cards and their dependents, children 0-12, and eligible youths aged 13-17 can access public dental services.
Dental services are free for the following priority clients:
- Children aged 0-17 years who hold a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or who are dependents of concession card holders*
- Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is available to eligible children aged 2-17 years.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- People who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- A child or young person in out-of-home care provided by the Children, Youth and Families Division of the Department of Human Services (up to 18 years of age)
- All youth justice clients in custodial care up to 18 years of age
- Registered clients receiving mental health and disability services supported by a letter of recommendation from their case manager or staff at a special development school
* For children (0-12) who don’t qualify for any of the above, $35 is charged per course of care
* Non-card holders and youth aged 13-17 who do not qualify for any of the above can access our low-cost private dental services
How much will it cost?
Children 0-12 (Non card holders)
General Care – $36.00 per course of care per child
Emergency Care – Free of charge
Adults (Health Care Card/ Pensioner Concession Card Holders)
General Care – $30.50 per visit up to $122 per course of care
Emergency Care – $30.50 per course of care
Denture Care – $73.00 per denture (maximum $146 for a full upper and lower denture)
At all appointments, please bring your Medicare and Concession Card.
Referred specialist services may incur additional fees. You will be informed of these at the time of referral.