VicRoads-approved Safe Driving Program

You can attend from anywhere

As long as you have a good internet connection, you can attend this course online without travelling.

Returning you to the road

What makes BHN your best choice for completing your court-mandated Safe Driving Program?

  • Convenience: Unlike other providers, we deliver the program on Saturdays.
  • Cost: Our service is the most cost-effective in Victoria ($840).

How do I book my Safe Driving Program?

TryBooking allows you to make a secure online booking using your credit card.

Please contact Connect Health & Community on 03 9575 5333 if you wish to pay by any other method.

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Is there a requirement for ID?

Please provide one Category A photo identification document, such as a photo driver’s license or Australian passport. Find out more.

Make sure you are online on time. It may be necessary for latecomers to reschedule the program for another day if they are late.

After I complete the Safe Driving Program, what happens next?

If you successfully complete VicRoads’s 5-hour Safe Driving Program, you will receive a Safe Driving Completion Certificate (SDPCC). Please send VicRoads your SDPCC via email, post (VicRoads, Locked Bag 7000, Kew, Victoria, 3101), or drop by one of their Customer Service Centres to reinstate your driver’s license.

The VicRoads Safe Driving Program website provides general information about the program.

Note: The VicRoads Safe Driving Program Completion Certificate can only be issued by VicRoads-approved providers like BHN.

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