LGBTI+ safe and inclusive services

We strive to create a supportive, inclusive, and affirming work environment at BHN.

Regardless of cultural or linguistic background, sexual orientation, gender identity (LGBTI+), intersex status, religion or spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, age, or ability, BHN is committed to equity.

BHN is an accredited Rainbow Tick organisation. We ensure a safe and inclusive work environment for our clients, staff, and volunteers. Read more about Rainbow Tick.

We want your feedback

As part of our commitment to improve services for LGBTI+ communities and individuals, we work closely with these communities. Thorne Harbour Health partners with us to create a community where all people feel accepted, safe, affirmed, and celebrated.

Our services are reviewed annually to ensure that they are inclusive of LGBTI+ communities.

How to get in touch:

Midsumma and Pride

Every year, we release a LGBTI+ survey during the weekend of Midsumma. With the help of LGBTI+ community members and BHN staff, we co-design new improvements for our services.

It would be great to see you at Midsumma and Pride! We will have a booth on January 19, so stop by and say hello.

Other services and resources

  • Australian Human Rights Commission: Responsible for providing education and public awareness about human rights in Australia, handling complaints regarding discrimination and human rights, ensuring compliance with human rights laws, and developing policy and legislation.
  • Transgender Victoria (TGV): Pursues justice and equity for trans* people, their partners, families and friends.
  • Rainbow Health Victoria: Provides health and wellbeing resources and policies for the LGBT+ community. La Trobe University’s Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) funds Rainbow Health. LGBTI Victorians’ health and wellbeing is Rainbow Health’s top priority. (03) 9479 8700.
  • Rainbow Network: Giving you the skills to provide safer and more inclusive services to young same sex attracted, intersex, trans* and gender diverse Victorians – (03) 9479 8735.
  • The Fitzroy Legal Service (FLS): Offers free specialist LGBTIQ Legal Advice Service – (03) 9419 3744.
  • Minus 18: Young people under 21 years old who are same sex attracted and gender questioning can access this web-based support network. Additionally, Minus 18 hosts social and dance events.
  • Genderqueer Australia: A website dedicated to gender questioning and gender queer people.
  • The Australian Lesbian Medical Association (ALMA): A national project that obtains recommendations from lesbians and bisexuals for doctors and mental health professionals. About 90 doctors and mental health professionals are currently on the list, including GPs, specialists, and rural and suburban physicians.
  • Gay and Lesbian Switchboard (Vic) Inc: (Switchboard): This organisation provides free, confidential, and anonymous telephone counselling, referrals and information services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (GLBTI) community of Victoria and Tasmania – (03) 9663 2939.
  • Acon – Here for Health :
    Supports people living with HIV and strives to reduce HIV transmission among gay and homosexually active men. In addition, this community provides services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex individuals.
    Safe and Strong: An LGBTQ+ Guide to Facebook and Instagram is a resource produced by Facebook and Instagram in partnership with ACON and Trans Pride Australia.
    Facebook and Instagram users can benefit from these handy tips for managing their safety and self-care.