Our Rainbow Place

Aboriginal people gather at Our Rainbow Place in St Kilda, where a healthy meal is always on the menu, and we’re always up for a yarn. We can also suggest ways to stay healthy and talk to you about services you might find helpful. Sometimes, other local services’ staff attend so you can get to know them.

What to expect

  • Our services will be culturally sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
  • BHN offers a variety of health services, so we can match your needs with the most suitable service(s).

Why choose BHN?

  • Our Indigenous Access team is dedicated to to helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • With a full range of health and wellbeing services, BHN ensures a coordinated and multidisciplinary approach to improving your health
  • Our staff are highly qualified and experienced

Accessing Our Rainbow Place

Those who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander are eligible to access this service.

Every second Thursday, starting at midday, Our Rainbow Place is open.

Our Rainbow Place is located at 18 Mitford St, St Kilda (just up from Acland St).


There is no charge for this service.

Request an appointment

Call 132 246 (132 BHN) and ask to speak with the Indigenous Access Coordinator.