Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Services

As the Bayside area’s largest provider of alcohol and other drug (AOD) outpatient services, BHN’s AOD program provides personalised treatment plans and works with local communities to mitigate harm and improve the lives of those who use substances. We are committed to providing timely and holistic support.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) team is open for referrals.

We are passionate about encouraging individuals, couples and families living in our communities to seek change and improve their quality of life.

These services are free to clients.
Call: 1800 229 263

BayAODS Central Intake Service

We operate with a “no wrong door policy” that allows people to find out which services best support them before connecting you to them.

In the Bayside Catchment area – covering Port Phillp, Stonnington, Glen Eira, Kingston and Bayside – Bayside Alcohol and Other Drug Service (BayAODS) is the Central Intake provider.

Individuals who live in, or have strong ties to, these areas can call BayAODS for information, support, and access to a range of AOD services throughout the area, including community and housing services.

If a drug or alcohol-related problem is affecting you or someone you care about, get in touch to learn how the AOD program works and the options available to you.

What we can offer you:

  • Qualified and experienced intake staff
  • Intake, evaluation, and a personalised AOD treatment plan
  • physical or phone-based assessments
  • Information and referrals to Bayside’s community based AOD treatment services
  • Information and referrals to residential detox services and home rehabilitation services across Victoria
  • Referrals to specialised alcohol and drug services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer people
  • Referrals to services specialising in youth
  • Information, education and advice for minimising harm
  • Support and information for professionals, families, and those affected
  • Group support information and opportunities in Victoria
  • Advocacy and assistance in navigating the AOD treatment system

Toll-free call: 1800 229 263 



For LGBTIQ+ specialist Alcohol and Drug Services call: 1800 906 669 (toll-free).

Additional Online Resources

Contact 1800 906 669 for specialist Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex & Queer Alcohol and Drug Services.

Toll-free call: 1800 229 263 Email: