Accessible Psychological Interventions

Through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, skills training, psychoeducation and relaxation strategies, this program offers counselling for individuals and families.

Who is eligible for the service?

Individuals must:

  • Be a resident or work within the City of Port Phillip or Stonnington
  • Be diagnosed with a mild to moderate mental illness* like mild depression or anxiety (except for people at risk of suicide or children under 12)
  • Have a health care card
  • Have the capacity to engage in therapy at the current time and be expected to benefit from counselling

*If a person does not have a confirmed diagnosis, an assessment will be conducted and a clinical diagnosis determined by the API provider confirming eligibility for the service.

Who might be ineligible for API services?

  • Someone with severe mental illness that significantly impacts their life or risk of mental health decline (a more appropriate service may by Mental Health Integrated Complex Care (MHICC))
  • Suicidality requiring emergency services or CATT
  • Assessment showing the importance of case management at that time, for instance homelessness, substance abuse, criminal justice system involvement

Referring to API services

Self-referrals, GP referrals, and community referrals are all accepted.

Fax referrals can be submitted by GPs including: GP Mental Health Treatment Plan
To refer to SEMPHN Mental Health Intake, contact:

  • Phone (business hours only): 1800 862 363
  • Fax: 1300 354 053

On the SEMPHN Mental Health Intake page, referral forms (including medical software templates) are available.

If the referral form contains the required information, it will be accepted. To receive services, the client must consent.

We do not provide mental health support or advice after hours or for emergencies. In these cases, call 000.

Through funding provided by the Australian Government under the South Eastern Melbourne PHN, this service has been made possible.