Diabetes Referral Form

Please fill out the following information to make a referral to BHN.

    Referrer Details

    Referrer Name*

    Referrer Organisation*

    Referrer Position*

    Referrer Phone*

    Referrer Email*

    Referrer Fax

    Client Details

    Client Family Name*

    Client Given Names*

    Client Date Of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)*

    Client Gender*

    Client Home Address*

    Client Contact Phone Number*

    Alfred UR

    Client Country of Birth*

    Is the client of Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander origin?*

    Does the client have a refugee status?*

    Does the client require an interpreter?*

    If yes, please state preferred language

    Is the client living in insecure housing?*

    Client Medicare Number* (Enter NA if not available)

    Please give details of the client's current GP (GP name, Practice name, Address, Phone)*

    Does the client hold any of the following concession cards?*


    Diabetes Referral Questions

    The above patient was:*

    by the Diabetes Education team at the Alfred hospital during their admission in



    Reason for community referral

    Please specify the details*

    Please indicate the reasons below.
    Diabetes Duration


    Insulin / Other Injections

    Steroids / Other Medications



    Medical History

    Social / Work Situation



    Education provided at The Alfred*
    Nil/Not SeenSelf-blood glucose monitoringInsulin therapyNDSS registrationSelf administration of Insulin/ByettaHypoglycaemia MXDiabetes and DrivingAlcohol and DiabetesSteroids and DiabetesScreeningDiabetes and Foot Care


    Ongoing Education Needs


    Follow up

    Follow up in Alfred Diabetes Clinic required*

    Date of Follow Up


    Assessment/Care Plan

    Please tick below if you have an Assessment and/or Care Plan and would be happy for Star Health to contact you to obtain a copy. Alternatively, you can attach them below.
    AssessmentCare Plan
    Please attach an Assessment and/or a Care Plan if available

    Please attach Diabetes Injectable Medication Referral form if applicable

    Does the client give consent to a referral to Star Health?*


    Please prove you are human by selecting the Tree.